We’ll isn’t this little saga ridiculous. I guess I’ve been sleeping, have lived in Coppell for 35 yrs and have never heard of ‘The Rambler’. An IRVING paper. Jeff Varnell hit the nail on the head, guess that’s why ‘The Rambler’ is our “official newspaper “…no one listened to Jeff, and sure sounds like any attempt to use the ‘Coppell Gazette’ was anemic at best.

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“The Rambler”?…. wow, who knew, ridiculous!

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Had never heard of The Rambler until the first week in June when I saw it on the counter at Town Center. I thought it was a CHS newspaper until the person. I was with said it was “an Irving newspaper.” Twenty-nine years in Coppell and I’ve learned something new. Thanks, Dan.

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Dan- re: the selection of Coppell's official newspaper

You mentioned that Ms. Pettinos told the city council that the Gazette couldn't be our paper of records because "they did not have the permit available for Dallas and Denton County."

Do you know what permit she's referring to? Is the the "Be entered as a second-class postal matter" requirement? If so, how is the Gazette able be the legal paper of record for CISD notices?

So many questions.

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Eric, like you, I assume the permit is related to second-class postage. When I asked Pettinos via email what kind of permit she was talking about, she replied with the portion of the Texas Government Code that I included in the article.

Meanwhile, if the Gazette can be Coppell ISD's paper of record, I fail to see why it can't be the city's.

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