“Must Carports Come Down?”

Answer: No!

We’ve lived here since 1969, long before Coppell became the “COPPELL TX” it is today. Seen all sorts of changes, development, road improvements and some real bone-headed decisions over the decades. It is unthinkable that the City of Coppell would (out-of-the-blue) cite long time residents, or even newly established residents, to tear-down & destroy awnings that have been attached to a home for decades. These so-called “undesirable” awnings were established long before the ordinances, so it seems they would/should be “grandfathered” if the awning structures are soundly built and purposeful. Now, if an awning is severely damaged/destroyed/in-disrepair, then a homeowner would have to contend/abide by current City ordinances. And beware, if a homeowner thinks they can simply tear-down their old existing awning to put up a new awning, they are sadly mistaken. Once the old awning is removed, you just lost your “grandfathering”.

Jim & Sally Goyne, I would fight this all the way! Good Luck to you and your awning-established neighbors!

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