I just wanted to share that I really enjoy your writing style and have learned so much more about Coppell since I subscribed! Thank you for the weekly updates and smiles!

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Tales of the Two Belt Lines + Dart Silver Line.

Our little city has been steadily inundated with major road construction projects for years. Freeport was a doozy and now these East & South (Belt Line) headaches + a Dart bridge! Good grief. I’m still traumatized from when I had to get my 2 kiddos to the (old) CMSW and then the (new) CMSW while trying to get myself to work on time. No matter what direction you are headed (N, S, E, W) there are only 1 or 2 routes to take when exiting or entering Coppell. This is gonna be (not) fun!

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Whew! That’s a lot of news! Coppell is becoming more a part of the city of Dallas. I remember when I first moved here there were only about 14 guys on the football team. There was only one stop light located at the Dairy Queen! Our Coppell is sure changing!

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