Donations for homeless students can be made here: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/10c0948a9a628a46-spring

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Good stuff, Dan! 🙌🏻

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We have a venue change for the candidates' forum on April 4. Due to high demand, it will happen at Dallas College's Coppell Center.

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Dan, I think you mischaracterized the Clarence Thomas issue. As reported in the Wall Street Journal this week, there was no requirement for Thomas to report the Harlan Crow trips. So he didn’t “fail” to report them as you indicated in your column. The Supreme Court recently changed their reporting rules to require such reporting and Justice Thomas has indicated he will comply with them. The WSJ also has a completely different take on this issue on their editorial page than the Propublica report. Just FYI, I happen to agree with the WSJ’s position in this instance.


Jim Hall

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Anxiously awaiting to read the answers from candidates for school board and city council!

Thank you for all the updates and News!

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Something else on City Council agenda Tuesday night will be to proclaim April as Christian family & values month. Carmen Prince has been behind this proclamation and if you would like additional information you could contact her at carmen_e_prince@hotmail.com or phone 972-899-1811

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