Democrats Have Tough Choice to Make • Slates are Set for Municipal Elections • Coppell to Help Homeowners With Grants • Tragedy’s Anniversary Marked With Love
I for one am not in favor of using surplus tax dollars to benefit such a minuscule number of people. Not trying to be a non charitable person but this is like forced charity. Extra tax dollars should be used to benefit the maximum number of taxpayers. BTW I have 27 windows in my 1994 house that need replacing as well as some front yard landscape due to snowmageddon.
I learned on March 5 that Irving City Council Member Dennis Webb has a challenger named Khaleel Ahmed. City Secretary Shanae Jennings told me Ahmed turned in his paperwork seven minutes before the filing period ended on Feb. 16, so it wasn't approved and posted until the following Tuesday.
CORRECTION: The time and location of the Community Football Game featuring players from the Coppell Youth Football Association and the Coppell High School varsity squad have both been updated. The scrimmage is supposed to start at 4 p.m. on Saturday at Leslie Field.
Thank you for keeping us informed with your great writing/updates.
Specific individuals are to be selected to receive tax payer money so the individual can improve their asset (house) and increase their overall net worth. Dang… that sounds like…what’s the word??
“Socialism seeks greater equality by creating more equal distribution of wealth.”
I am going to assume from your capitalization choices that you do not care for socialist policies. If I'm mistaken and your message was in support of socialist policies, I apologize, and please disregard the remainder of my response.
I'm curious about your positions on other socialist policies: Social Security, police departments, fire departments, farm subsidies, oil and gas subsidies, public school systems, the post office, the Veterans Administration, Medicare, WIC, SNAP, public hospitals, PPP loans, Coppell Animal Services, food safety inspectors, the District Attorney's Office, the Public Defender's office, the Earned Income Tax Credit, foster care, Section 8 housing, the Texas Department of Corrections, NOAA, NASA, Pell Grants, Job Corps, FEMA, Headstart, and those pesky free school lunches. These policies and programs, to varying degrees, emphasize fair distribution of wealth or public ownership of the means of production.
Are you vehemently against every government program? Or just the ones you don't like or benefit from? Either way, socialism is not the boogie man. A healthy balance of capitalist and socialist policies is necessary for a modern market economy. Laissez-faire capitalism leads to the monopolies and the robber barons of the Gilded Age.
That being said, I agree with Jim Walker and, presumably, you. I don't think this program, as it is currently structured, is sustainable.
Thank you for your well stated opinion. You bring up several great points. Rarely do I post a comment, you asked a few questions, so I’d like to clarify/respond.
You are correct, I do not care for socialist policies.
I am not against every government program, but I don’t like ones which are unconstitutional and do not benefit all citizens.
Article 1 of the Constitution lays out the enumerated (limited) powers and roles of the federal government. These included: to lay and collect taxes; pay debts and borrow money; regulate commerce; establish and coin currency; establish post offices; protect patents and copyrights; establish lower courts; declare war; and raise and support an Army for national defense, infrastructure, protect natural resources, etc.
Most of the programs on your list fall into these buckets. Many do not.
Why? The broad misinterpretation, my opinion, of the 16th Amendment and the “New Deal” is where the wheels came off and we began to see the federal government as a charity organization.
One only needs to look at Greece, the Soviet Union, Venezuela, and many other failed economies, to realize the failure of socialist policies.
I respect your opinion. But no, I do not care for socialist policies.
Great article! A friend of a friend was close with Caitlyn. It’s good to see her memory being celebrated! As a young family in a house built in 1979, the grant is super interesting. Homeownership is so expensive in 2024! I didn’t know Coppell had task forces for these kinds of things.
A question from my husband (who loves reading along with me): There were rumors about the city revamping the disc golf course at Andy Brown and then we didn’t hear any follow up. Have you heard of any plans for that?
Amy, I haven't heard anything about that disc golf course since May of 2022, when the Parks and Recreation Board added it to the "low priority" section of their priorities list.
I for one am not in favor of using surplus tax dollars to benefit such a minuscule number of people. Not trying to be a non charitable person but this is like forced charity. Extra tax dollars should be used to benefit the maximum number of taxpayers. BTW I have 27 windows in my 1994 house that need replacing as well as some front yard landscape due to snowmageddon.
A really interesting Coppell Chronicle. A heck of a service to the community in my opinion. Thanks.
I learned on March 5 that Irving City Council Member Dennis Webb has a challenger named Khaleel Ahmed. City Secretary Shanae Jennings told me Ahmed turned in his paperwork seven minutes before the filing period ended on Feb. 16, so it wasn't approved and posted until the following Tuesday.
CORRECTION: The time and location of the Community Football Game featuring players from the Coppell Youth Football Association and the Coppell High School varsity squad have both been updated. The scrimmage is supposed to start at 4 p.m. on Saturday at Leslie Field.
Our home (Map: blue) could definitely use some rehabilitation - $10K would be freaking amazing!
However, I too agree that it is a lot of money that will serve a few homeowners in the community.
Too many unknowns to get excited about. 👍👎
I’ll stop here.
Thank you for keeping us informed with your great writing/updates.
Specific individuals are to be selected to receive tax payer money so the individual can improve their asset (house) and increase their overall net worth. Dang… that sounds like…what’s the word??
“Socialism seeks greater equality by creating more equal distribution of wealth.”
Change my mind.
I am going to assume from your capitalization choices that you do not care for socialist policies. If I'm mistaken and your message was in support of socialist policies, I apologize, and please disregard the remainder of my response.
I'm curious about your positions on other socialist policies: Social Security, police departments, fire departments, farm subsidies, oil and gas subsidies, public school systems, the post office, the Veterans Administration, Medicare, WIC, SNAP, public hospitals, PPP loans, Coppell Animal Services, food safety inspectors, the District Attorney's Office, the Public Defender's office, the Earned Income Tax Credit, foster care, Section 8 housing, the Texas Department of Corrections, NOAA, NASA, Pell Grants, Job Corps, FEMA, Headstart, and those pesky free school lunches. These policies and programs, to varying degrees, emphasize fair distribution of wealth or public ownership of the means of production.
Are you vehemently against every government program? Or just the ones you don't like or benefit from? Either way, socialism is not the boogie man. A healthy balance of capitalist and socialist policies is necessary for a modern market economy. Laissez-faire capitalism leads to the monopolies and the robber barons of the Gilded Age.
That being said, I agree with Jim Walker and, presumably, you. I don't think this program, as it is currently structured, is sustainable.
Thank you for your well stated opinion. You bring up several great points. Rarely do I post a comment, you asked a few questions, so I’d like to clarify/respond.
You are correct, I do not care for socialist policies.
I am not against every government program, but I don’t like ones which are unconstitutional and do not benefit all citizens.
Article 1 of the Constitution lays out the enumerated (limited) powers and roles of the federal government. These included: to lay and collect taxes; pay debts and borrow money; regulate commerce; establish and coin currency; establish post offices; protect patents and copyrights; establish lower courts; declare war; and raise and support an Army for national defense, infrastructure, protect natural resources, etc.
Most of the programs on your list fall into these buckets. Many do not.
Why? The broad misinterpretation, my opinion, of the 16th Amendment and the “New Deal” is where the wheels came off and we began to see the federal government as a charity organization.
One only needs to look at Greece, the Soviet Union, Venezuela, and many other failed economies, to realize the failure of socialist policies.
I respect your opinion. But no, I do not care for socialist policies.
Have a great week!
Sorry for any typos. I have fat thumbs.
Great article! A friend of a friend was close with Caitlyn. It’s good to see her memory being celebrated! As a young family in a house built in 1979, the grant is super interesting. Homeownership is so expensive in 2024! I didn’t know Coppell had task forces for these kinds of things.
A question from my husband (who loves reading along with me): There were rumors about the city revamping the disc golf course at Andy Brown and then we didn’t hear any follow up. Have you heard of any plans for that?
Amy, I haven't heard anything about that disc golf course since May of 2022, when the Parks and Recreation Board added it to the "low priority" section of their priorities list.