Wow Dan. Excellent investigative reporting on a super local story. Wonder how many properties Coppell are owned by foreign "investors."

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So who is actually living in the mansion on Cottonwood?

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Misty, to find that out, I’d have to knock on the front door and ask. I’m not quite curious enough to take that step. I did mail letters, though, to the homes on Cottonwood and Georgian.

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How the heck does this happen. I loved that property area before they came in and raised it to build this mansion taking down trees

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Once again, great info, Dan. Had no idea of the passing of Larry, really smart move of Irving denying 8-0 the 24 hr poker “social” club, and most of all the segment on CPAC was timely for me, as in January I will begin my classes. Thank you for highlighting CPAC & COPS programs. I will withhold comment on the Nigerians.

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Fascinating yet troubling if this property, or even the others, were purchased by funds that were disguised to appear legal.

Tracing this purchase transaction back to the closing documents will reveal the money trail.

Darkness finds light!

To be continued ...... ?

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Thank you for the scoop on the Nigerian properties. It’s eye opening to think such a foreign scandal could happen in our town and community.

Keep up the good work!

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